Lesson 10:  Grow Healthy Food with Mealworm Dung (120 min)

Lesson 10: Grow Healthy Food with Mealworm Dung (120 min)

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This product is a part 10 of the 13-part ready-to-go curriculum that we have developed. For the whole curriculum click here.

Wondering how to get the most out of your educational work with Hive Explorer? 

  • Test the effects of using mealworm poop as fertilizer for microgreens. Set up a microgreen growth tray, and construct a growth chamber. Growing greens is not just for grandmas, it is way too much fun!

    materials needed: mealworm poopLED light, light socket connector, light connector, timer for light, mesh, rectangular glass container, extension cord, packing tape, electronic weight scale, recycled cardboard, graduated cylinder, beaker, hydrogen peroxide 0.3%, ruler, scissors, permanent markers, paper tape, spray bottle, AAA battery, fine sieve, worksheets, towel, cleaning solution

  • Hands-on exercises and worksheets
  • download a sample lesson (lesson 2) here
  • see curriculum alignment to standards here

What's Included:

• Download of lesson 10 contains:

  1. Lesson Plan and Teacher Guide
  2. Lesson Presentation PPT + PDF
  3. Lesson Notes for Delivering the PPT without prior preparation
  4. Worksheet for hands-on exercises + Resources & Material List

• Standards aligned

• Vocabulary

• For use with the Hive Explorer Set or Hive Explorer Educator Set (Hive Explorer is not included)

Recommended Use:

STEM Classes, Biology Classes, Geography Classes, Liberal Studies Classes, Environmental Science Classes, Summer Schools, Workshops